Titaniumlaan 100 5221 CK ‘s-Hertogenbosch | +31 73 6395080|info@artec.nl


  • Adam Equipment, Moistureanalysis balance

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    Storage of results - quickly and easily, on a USB stick, without a PC and software. The moisture analysis by means of heating and extraction of moisture is a very accurate method for determining the moisture content of materials. This moisture measurement balance is very user-friendly and competitive in price.
  • Delmhorst Graanvochtmeter, G-7

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    grain moisture meter for field, harvesting and pre-storage use of grain and seeds. Works with minimal sample quantity. With optional external electrodes for moisture measurement in hay and straw. Automatic or manual temperature correction. Ice lines for barley, coffee, corn, flax, hay, oats, canola, pasta, unprocessed rice, sorghum, soybeans and rye.
  • Schaller RH2 Thermohygrometer, recorder

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    Accurate moisture meter with memory. With cable connection for: 1. Pitch sensor for measurement in bales or bulk goods or 2.Sensor for relative humidity and temperature Optional - PC connection, software and printer The RH2 offers: Relative (air) humidity, absolute humidity, dew point, Residual moisture content in %, and aw value (water activity) Durably stable sensors Simple data storage in a portable measuring device.
  • VeriVide DigiEye

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    DigiEye is VeriVide's unique, groundbreaking digital system for non-contact imaging and assessment of both the color and appearance of any type of sample. It has a huge number of potential applications in the textile and apparel sector, where DigiEye is already widely used and specified by major retailers. Among its many advantages, DigiEye offers complete objectivity, accuracy, consistency and repeatability. It 'sees' color the same way humans do - targeting the elements that external elements such as packaging or labels need to assess and filter out. Data processed by DigiEye may also be sent in real time to one or more other DigiEye systems, located anywhere in the world. This can directly lead to very significant cost-saving global supply chain efficiency. Examples of products and materials that can be quickly and accurately assessed by DigiEye include: Denim Rugs Patterns and prints Lace and lingerie Coordinated Sets - including combinations of 'soft' and 'hard' goods traded together. VeriVide has introduced v.6 of DigiEye's 'cube', which includes further improvements and refinements such as a larger opening for easier access and bulkier items, and all-metal soft-closing sliding mechanism. It can also be removed to facilitate cleaning or maintenance. All this ensures more durability and faster and more efficient operation.
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