C-Therm, is the world leader in thermal conductivity instrumentation. The C-Therm Trident is used for testing and measuring a wide range of materials. Some of these are polymers, ceramics, composites and insulation materials.

The C-Therm Tx Touch, is the only measurement device for quantifying touch sensations and is fully compliant with ASTM D7984. The Tx Touch Tester is used worldwide by sportswear brands and textile testing laboratories. Some users include Adidas, Columbia Sportswear, Tommy Hilfiger, Marks (Canadian Tire), Intertek, the Taiwan Textile Research Institute and Bureau Veritas.

Thermal conductivity quantifies the rate at which heat is transferred through a given material. The thermal conductivity of pure materials is usually known. But composite materials, or materials in different physical states, are often not well characterized. These materials are often the most valuable for technological purposes.

No single thermal conductivity instrument or method is suitable for all samples and applications. Choosing the wrong test method or conditions often results in errors. Some measurement techniques require large sample sizes and long test times. This is often difficult and less efficient for research involving small sample volumes, such as nanofluids or explosives.

C-Therm is a pioneer in the development of thermal conductivity measurement equipment. They offer short test times and deliver the highest precision. Patented Modified Transient Plane Source (MTPS) technology meets ASTM D7984. The MTPS is already used by a large number of companies and institutions around the world, for R&D, quality control and online production monitoring.